Archives 2015 (4)04/26 Use Vaseline to cover the surface of alkali activated cement paste during setting test (0)03/07 The method to measure the plastic viscosity of cement paste (0)02/06 The right protocol to measure yield stress of cement paste (4)01/23 How to define particle size? (0)2014 (2)12/15 What is Geopolymer cement? (0)02/20 Influence of Particle Size on the Early Hydration of Slag Particle Activated by Ca(OH)2 Solution (0)2013 (7)08/17 What can you do using cement? Funny stuff made of cement (0)07/31 The Influence of Slag on the Hydration of Cement (0)06/04 The Importance of Cement and its Future (5)04/30 Buoyancy Effect of TGA Experiment (2)03/19 How much is the bulk density of hydrating (blended) cement paste? (2)03/06 What is density? how to distinguish different density definitions? (0)01/22 Sample Preparation for Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction (XRD/Rietveld) (0)2012 (33)12/02 Determining the Amount of Reacted Slag in Blended Cement Using EDTA Method (0)11/22 Hydration Mechanisms of Portland Cement: Topochemical or Through-Solution Reaction? (0)10/14 3D printer to print a house, is it the future of cementitious materials? (4)10/10 How GGBS is used and its typical substitution rates (0)10/05 Proceedings of 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (4)10/03 Concrete made with slag improves resistance to fire damage (0)09/22 What is Cement Mixer Shot? (2)09/20 Sample preparation by McCrone Micronizing mill before XRD/Rietveld test (0)09/18 Does particle size of slag influence its reactivity? (0)09/07 Processing of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and its applications (0)08/09 Published literature data on the reaction degree of slag (1)07/19 Kinetics of cement: Degree of hydration or Degree of reaction? (0)07/14 Methods to measure the reaction degree of slag in blended cement (0)07/10 Overview of global cement price 2012 (6)07/09 Factors influence the reaction degree of slag in slag blended cement (0)07/07 What is cement and its history? (0)07/04 The worldwide cement output is decreasing in 2012 (0)07/02 The activation theory of slag in blended cement (0)06/14 Features of microstructure development in the inner product of reacting slag in blended cement (0)06/13 Features of microstructure development in the outer product of reacting slag in blended cement (0)06/11 Hydration products of slag in blended cement (3)06/10 Activation of slag in blended cement (2)06/07 Factors affecting the reactivity of slag (0)06/05 Microstructure development of limestone blended cement (1)06/04 Low reactivity and reported reaction extent of limestone in blended cement (0)06/02 Chemical reaction of limestone with C3S and C3A (0)06/01 Physical effects of limestone on the hydration of cement clinkers (0)05/31 Advantage of ternary blended cement (0)05/30 Review of several existing models simulating the hydration of cementitious materials (0)05/29 Two main methods to model cement-based materials (0)05/28 Brief introduction of limestone cement (1)05/27 Introduction of slag cement (0)05/26 Welcome to the world of cementitious materials (0)