Blended cement

The Influence of Slag on the Hydration of Cement

These following conclusions are summarized from the work of Kocaba’s PhD thesis. alite: no influence is shown on the consumption of alite measured by XRD. belite: the substitution of cement by both slags seems to result in a delay in the hydration of belite in the first days. aluminate phase: there is a filler effect […]

Portland cement

Chemical reaction of limestone with C3S and C3A

The hydration rate of C3S is accelerated in the presence of limestone probably because of the dilute effect and the multiplied nucleation sites. Jean Pera et al. reported that the total heat resulting from pure C3S hydration was 145 joules while that of the mixture (50%C3S+50%CaCO3) reached 260 joules. Ramachandran’s investigation showed that some calcium […]