
Proceedings of 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement

Among the conferences taking place every year on cement science, International Congress of Cement Chemistry (ICCC) is almost the most important one. The conference takes place every four years. The latest one is the 13th ICCC hosted in Madrid Spain in 2011 and the next one 14th ICCC will be hosted in Beijing in 2015. […]

Portland cement

Chemical reaction of limestone with C3S and C3A

The hydration rate of C3S is accelerated in the presence of limestone probably because of the dilute effect and the multiplied nucleation sites. Jean Pera et al. reported that the total heat resulting from pure C3S hydration was 145 joules while that of the mixture (50%C3S+50%CaCO3) reached 260 joules. Ramachandran’s investigation showed that some calcium […]